We have a refrigerator. This might not be an overly exciting way to start this post, but it is the truth, and that is at least something. We have to defrost it sometimes, and to speed up the process that is a long and laborious one at that, having no fridge for the better part of a whole day, and having water all over the place; I deviced a cunning way of getting the ice out quicker.
In fact, it was so cunning, it was cunting.
With a screwdriver and a hammer I just slashed out the ice, even though my mother constantly informed me that
I HAD TO BE CAREFUL, because there is a little wire far at the back that connects with the small freon chamber, the gas that makes the fridge work. If I hit that, all hell would break lose. I defrosted the fridge, time lapsed, I defrosted the fridge again.
Each time my mother polietly informed me that I HAD TO BE CAREFUL, because there is a little wire far at the back that connects with the small freon chamber.
After having worked a lot, I came home around nine in the evening and my mother wanted me to defrost the fucking fridge, I told her that no, I am to tiered, so she decided to do it herself.
At two thirty in the morning, I am dragged out of my deepest REM-sleep, completely disillusioned, completely having no idea who I am, where I am, what I am, what time it is, why I have a penis... All those things.
Hysterically, from the other side of the door, I hear my mother screaming
"I hit the wire and got a big spill of freon-gas right in my face! Is this poisionous?! IS IT?!"
I couldn't answer her, most because I don't have any first-hand knowledge of the abilities of freon(my mother thinks because one studies chemistry one has intimate knowledge with the over 19 billion compounds around).
The point is, the entire situation was so absurd, so stupid, so strange, and so utterly confusing that all I managed was to moan some words that it wasn't and fell asleep again.
My mother ruined the fridge and ended up shaking in the night because she thought she was going to die. For some reason she thought the house was going to explode. I don't know why she thinks the consumer-market allows toxic and highly reactive/explosive gases in normal household-objects.
When I told her all this, she was just angry.
So now we have a new fridge.