I was just moving all my Joni Mitchell CDs over to my MP3-player, and it just hit me:" Holy Jesus, Joseph and doggy-style Maria, in just a day I am going away." Because, well, in just a day I am going to take a car to a plane and a taxi to a train, and then I will travel so much I just become a shadow, forced to oblivion by the magic of Joni Mitchell's haunting, eerie and beautiful voice and lyrics.
I forgot to buy a hundred thousand cameras, so I just have to remember everything that happens, even though I would rather have photographic evidence of all the sick crap I am going to to in eastern Europe, journeying across the plains, the mountains and over rivers and lakes, through cloud-spires and nights and days.
I hope I won't get too drunk, but that is probably just because I am still a little hung-over from last night when I pig-danced at some strange place. It was fun. Then I slept in a couch and woke up like every fourth minute because I had to pee. That, however, was a little tiering.
I am not sure what I am looking most forward to. And that is because I, the biggest, fattest control-freak in the gaping universe have almost not planned anything at all. I haven't even bought a Lonely Planet book, so when we end up in Krakow we won't know how to find the sex-museums and all the cheap prostitutes.
Ha ha, by the way, my mom had a serious speech earlier about venereal-dieseases. She said that I had to be careful. And then she had a long monolog concerning the fact that I had to not be naive about my money and the passport, and when I told her I am not retarded and know these things, she was seriously insulted, as she usually is, so I felt bad and tried to act interested in the brand new information that I shouldn't flaunt thousands of (insert currency) when I bought something.
She is a very strange person.
I forgot to buy a hundred thousand cameras, so I just have to remember everything that happens, even though I would rather have photographic evidence of all the sick crap I am going to to in eastern Europe, journeying across the plains, the mountains and over rivers and lakes, through cloud-spires and nights and days.
I hope I won't get too drunk, but that is probably just because I am still a little hung-over from last night when I pig-danced at some strange place. It was fun. Then I slept in a couch and woke up like every fourth minute because I had to pee. That, however, was a little tiering.
I am not sure what I am looking most forward to. And that is because I, the biggest, fattest control-freak in the gaping universe have almost not planned anything at all. I haven't even bought a Lonely Planet book, so when we end up in Krakow we won't know how to find the sex-museums and all the cheap prostitutes.
Ha ha, by the way, my mom had a serious speech earlier about venereal-dieseases. She said that I had to be careful. And then she had a long monolog concerning the fact that I had to not be naive about my money and the passport, and when I told her I am not retarded and know these things, she was seriously insulted, as she usually is, so I felt bad and tried to act interested in the brand new information that I shouldn't flaunt thousands of (insert currency) when I bought something.
She is a very strange person.