Friday, April 21, 2006

Nails and teeth and cherry blossoms...

Once I thought that my first book should bear any of the three names above, and I just thought about it now because my nails are really starting to get long.
You can file that under irrelevant.

I tried to find a picture using google and using "irrelevant" as the search term, but I just found a lot of crap, so I am sorry to all those who feel that reading stuff is much easier if you have a picture or two, but I couldn't find a picture.
You can also file that under irrelevant or possibly "wasting the readers time".

In other news, I just bought a new Tori Amos CD, Under the Pink, and I love the number 3 track, Bells for Her.
It is very poignant and haunting, and when they do the film of the book, I know exactly what scene it should be it and how the shoot should look. It is at the very end, the chapter called "A woman and the sea".

I am going to listen to it now.


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