Everyone's waiting...

The people who has any idea who I am and has watched any movie/TV-program with me knows that I basically hate the majority of movies/TV-programs. This includes but is not limited to LOST( Oh, nothing happens and everything is completely irrelevant and you never ever give a straight answer so why the fuck should we fucking care?) Desperate Houswives( You are all very unrealistic and boring and I hope you all die) and Letterman Show( YOU SUCK! YOU FUCKING FREAK!!!)
In the entire world, I have only one TV-show I am a die-hard fan of, and it is Six Feet Under, which is, sadly, finished.
Finito. The end.
This show really came to be a big part of my life, which is of course a really pathetic thing, but true nontheless. It was one of those things, searching so avidly for anything real in a world full of plastic, that when I first found it, I was just stunned.
I think I could say it affected my life in a way I had not experienced up to that point, and I can really say that the sheer beauty, creativity and just forcefull truthfullness inspired me hugely and have been an enormous influence on me.
Many times I used to imagine myself working as a writer on the show, and I really know the names of all the writers, which is also really sad, and I am a big fan of Jill Soloway, even though her book was very expensive off Amazon.
I haven't bought it yet, by the way.
So now that is over, and, teaching that everything ends, so did this show. Mournfully and clad in my black funeral suit, I dig with the shovel and pour warm earth over it.
AAAH! Jeg også! Jeg gråter hver gang!
"Help, I have done it again.
I have been here so many times before."
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