So, who the fuck am I?

This annoys me greatly. I never look like me in any picture I have seen of me. Either my slightly arrogant, judging side is revealed, my juvenile, laughing side, my melancholic, symbolic, deep-thinker side, my sexual side(even though I haven't really seen many pictures containg this. It is usually reserved for places where there are no cameras...)
Why can't I be all these things at once? We can I only see either of these sides of my persona by itself, under the scrutiny of some microscope?
Lover, friend, son, brother, student.... I am seperating myself.
And that sucks!
It's like hearing your own voice recorded somewhere and you think:"Jesus, do I sound like that? How can people stand listening to me?" Or when a friend mimicks you in the crulest way EVER like som efemenate weirdo.
I don't know if I had a point with this post, I just wanted to empty my head( ha ha, empty my penis) which is the precise intention of this blog.
So there you are...
I don't understand this language. Please refer to previous post...
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