Random facts

This compound is called Pactiaxel and contains many functional groups which we who study chemistry can use as mastubatory aid(Yes, it is offical, that is my new favorite word) There are ketones, aldehyds(on second thought, no. There are no aldehyds in this molecule), hydroxyl-groups, aromatic hydrocarbons... The list goes on and on.
- I enjoy things I can remember.
- The five major groups of fungi are decided by the fungi's respecitve sexual organ. For example, the Chytridiomycota produce zoospores that are capable of moving on their own through liquid mesnstrua by simple flagella.
- There exist people somewhere in the world with skin as dark as the night!
- Fun with Dick and Jane is not a porno.
- In a pornographic video, six guys builded a bed and then had sex on it, which I thought was very funny. I want to use this in my writing somwhere.
- Three is larger than one and two-thirds.
- Anders Olsaker's penis is 15 cm long(or short) in erect form. This is about half the lenght of my penis in erect form, so my penis is 30 cm long and I am the bigger man! Therefore I win.
- The koala-bear female has two vaginas and the koala-bear male has a forked penis.
- Green is a color.
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