Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Everything is going straight to hell...

I don't really like this blog right now so I'll try to make it a little more funky. Oh yes! I am not afraid to heighten the funk-meter on this blog! That's right, I went there.
From now on only sexy matters will be discussed here. Matters that makes you electric with wild abandon, matters of such delicious texture that you cannot resist.
Perhaps there will be pictures of hot people everyhwere...
Perhaps I'm getting really tiered with this facade...

Let's face it, the blog will remain as it is...

AAAAA!!! Everything is so fucking boring right now! Why does the world demand personal initiative for something to happen? That is just plain unfair! How can the world be unfair? That's unfair. The world should be rational and benevolent and everything we put into it we should get back and I should have a harem of a 1000 hot guys in my basement...
Shit, this day sucks!


Blogger Hillary said...

I agree the world is boring. Boring boring boring. Sorry I took down all your brilliant writing over on my blog. That woman Becky who was writing disparaging things about my mothering is (was) actually my oldest and dearest friend, the person with whom I created all the theater I ever created and the person I've always loved to create with.

Maybe the things I wrote were hurtful. Maybe I deserved her vitriol. But I couldn't stand to see my friend being so mean to me. Maybe it didn't seem mean to anyone else. Anyway I thought and thought and thought about what the fucking point of blogs is. I decided to stop posting serious opinions. Or just maybe wait for Becky to stop checking my blog and start doing brain dump again.

That's one thing a friend of mine who blogs said... is the thing we forget is that people are going to read it.

Anyway I just wanted to say that yesterday and today have felt like two of the most tedious days of my life.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Alexander said...

I didn't really think Becky was mean and I think it is good to get these things out. It is, to use television's favorite word, healthy. That is why I write and it must be why you write. Don't put a lid on it. And by the way, i am completely orgasmic that you have posted on my blog. I wish the last post I did was something a little more interesting than me bitching so I could impress you since that is basically why I live.

3:54 AM  

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