Little fish, big fish swimming in a water, hey man give me my daughter
Totally stuffed from using my stipendslashloansslashpay-check on Chinese food and Cds. Was really going for a run, but I decided against it since I'm seriously about to fall asleep.
There is a lot of frustration beneath my skin, of the artistic side. The chapter I am working on refuses to work. Yesterday I was so angry I hit my keyboard, so the 1-key fell off and now there's just some macaber hole with a guey little thing that I always miss when I try to hit it.
There is a lot of frustration beneath my skin, of the artistic side. The chapter I am working on refuses to work. Yesterday I was so angry I hit my keyboard, so the 1-key fell off and now there's just some macaber hole with a guey little thing that I always miss when I try to hit it.
Derfor må du ikke slå på tastaturet! Det e ikke bra for den stakkars datamaskinen! Ikke slå noe som er mindre enn deg.. Det va kanskje NOEN som er mindre enn deg.. Men det spiller ingen rolle..
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